Kamis, 28 April 2011

Tugas SBW

Every day, most of the students in English department usually go to the library which is located in the third floor of English department building. They come to the library since the librarian, Miss Rini, opens the library at 8 a.m. Some of them are the senior students in English department. They go to the library because they want to get some information, find some references for their final project or they just update their status in face book, chatting with their friends, and getting some source for their assignment in the internet. Sometimes, some of the lecturers request the students to submit their assignment through email, blog, web, etc. So, the students can spend many times in the library. They usually are in there for hours. They will leave the library if the librarian closes the library at 4 p.m., and the librarian says, “Let’s go to home”.
Miss Rini is a very patient librarian so that we have to say, “Thank you very much” for her because she always help us getting some books.

Senin, 25 April 2011

Sentence-Based Writing

            Lately, there has been many stealing incidents in this university. Every week, at least one motor bike is stolen. The police have tried to solve this case for two months. They did that by investigating the victims. The police state that the thieves have not been arrested because they belong to a huge mafia.